How to Make LinkedIn Account-Based Ads Part of Your Integrated Outbound Strategy

If you’re willing to put that level of effort in, your prospects will soon realize that you’re not simply “dialing for dollars” but rather that you’ve decided to target them for a very specific reason.

Account-Based Marketing is nothing new. The last few years have seen the rise of many amazing SaaS companies that help sales and marketing teams orchestrate highly personalized, timely and relevant messages and brand impressions across a number of channels.

A lot of marketers are seeing the results of their coordinated efforts and are in a position to test and optimize their strategies. Many savvy marketing teams know that in order to get prospects to raise their hands, they need to determine the best channels to use that resonate the most with their audience.

By limiting a program to a series of phone calls over the course of a few days or weeks, regardless of how personalized the messaging is, you will not have nearly as much success as a program that incorporates email, direct mail, InMail, personalized video, custom content portals, social media engagement, and more.

If you’re willing to put that level of effort in, your prospects will soon realize that you’re not simply “dialing for dollars” but rather that you’ve decided to target them for a very specific reason. You feel very strongly that what you sell can provide a great deal of value to them and that you simply want to earn an opportunity to help them realize what that value is.

A lot of brands are taking advantage of the targeting capabilities on LinkedIn as part of their multi-channel campaigns, and will make sure that their ads are running in concert with all of the other steps in their program. Often referred to as “air cover”, these ads are intended to act as yet another brand impression opportunity.

Although a great channel for awareness, considering that the average click-through rate on LinkedIn is somewhere around 0.35%, it’s easy to understand why marketers do not put too much stock in this channel’s ability to generate leads. It certainly doesn’t hurt to have your broadcast ads running, but there are challenges around attributing the ads to any sales (aside from any actual landing page conversions associated with the ad).

When marketers work with an account-based advertising solution like Advertaze, they’re getting more than just significantly higher click-through rates and the ability attribute ads to closed deals. They’re also able to take on the role of the quarterback. With the ability to monitor hundreds of ads from a single dashboard, it becomes easy to see which accounts are showing the most interest (even if they don’t convert). Considering that there are only so many hours in the day, if your sales team is going to be calling on as many accounts as they possibly can, doesn’t it make sense to have them calling on the accounts that are already expressing interest?

Armed with this new knowledge, marketers can direct the sales team to launch their multi-step, multi-channel programs towards the accounts most likely to convert. Touchdown!


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