LinkedIn Real Estate: How to get the personalization of ‘Display’ with the engagement of ‘Sponsored’

Getting your ads shown in the midst of a user’s organic feed will have higher engagement, and therefore a significantly higher cost than ads that appear off to the side of the screen (which don’t even appear on mobile)

If you’re advertising on LinkedIn and have some mastery around spend optimization, you’ll already know the value of display ads and how they differ from sponsored posts.

Getting your ads shown in the midst of a user’s organic feed will have higher engagement, and therefore a significantly higher cost than ads that appear off to the side of the screen (which don’t even appear on mobile). The real value of a sponsored post is getting on the radar of accounts who may not yet be familiar with your brand (and across all device types).

On the other hand, due to the lower engagement of display ads, they are a great option for retargeting the prospects who have already been to your site but have not yet converted. Trying to convince them to come back, or at least stay somewhat familiar with your brand as they continue through the buyer’s journey is a great use case for this option.

LinkedIn display ads

From an account-based perspective, you probably already know that you can get pretty creative with display ads. Once a prospect has been cookied, you can have a lot of fun with the personalized ads you put in front of them.

But what about sponsored posts? And what if your prospect is not yet being tracked? Can you still have some ABM fun with them? Absolutely!

LinkedIn sponsored post

If you’re looking to take advantage of the higher resonance of account-based ads (and be shown on desktop as well as on mobile) while also taking advantage of the higher value, higher visibility of sponsored posts, you can. And you don’t have to wait for previous engagement. You can be proactive and target your largest key accounts (individually) whether they’ve been to your site or not.

It’s easy to be confused by all the different account-based advertising terminology out there. In fact, LinkedIn’s very own description of it is somewhat confusing. They refer to them as “account-based campaigns” but they actually “target by professional demographics” and not by individual account. That’s not quite account-based ads, that’s more like “common demographic and/or attribute ads”.

As you approach your ABM goal of near 1:1 personalization at scale, you’ll want this to extend to every effort and every solution you deploy.

Many ABM practitioners will take advantage of intent data or other buying signals in order to discover accounts that may be interested in their solution. They’ll then deploy differing ‘air cover’ strategies, which essentially means they’re deploying tactics that are somewhat generic in nature to attract anyone in this group of accounts into the top of their funnel. Once in the funnel, they will revert back to their account-based strategies to get these accounts further into the sales cycle.

Advertaze sponsored post

The good news is that you no longer need to rely on air cover to attract your best-fit accounts. You can take advantage of account-based sponsored posts on LinkedIn and get a serious boost to your CTR while paying roughly half the CPC. Let us show you how it’s done with a free trial of Advertaze Account-Based Advertising. Send over the names of 20 of your largest target accounts and we’ll show you what true account-based advertising looks like… 1 ad for 1 account.


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